After School Search Government Web Sites (lousy state results)http://www.FindYouthInfo.gov
DOLETA Department of Labor, Employment and Training associationhttp://www.doleta.gov
Enterprise Zones Finding Enterprise Zones (Maps) Locating 3 Types of Target Areashttp://portal.hud.gov
First Gov Search Government Web Sites (lousy state results)http://www.usa.gov
Forms and Apps Federal Applications and Forms online, You can find and download almost all government Applications, instructions and forms herehttp://my.usa.gov
GSA General Services Administration, ( Buying and Selling to the government -seizure sales, clearance sales, closure sales)http://www.gsa.gov
HUB Locating HUB (Historically Under Utilized Business) Zones (Maps) now found with HUD and SBAhttp://portal.hud.gov
HUD Locating HUD Community Revitalization Areas (Maps) enter "MAPS" in search boxhttp://portal.hud.gov
NAICS Business Classification Code Numbers, Necessary industry and business codes for Doing business with the governmenthttp://www.naics.com
NBIA National Business Incubator Association, Finding a space to workhttp://www.nbia.org
Rural development Rural Empowerment/Enterprise Zones, Job creation and preservation, business expansion And Start uphttp://www.rurdev.usda.gov
SBA Small Business Administration, Great place for business training, forms, services And loans for start up or expansion of a businesshttp://www.sba.gov
Statistics Getting Statistics for Your Proposal, Studies containing nationally recognized statisticshttp://www.fedstats.gov
Womens Business Women's Business Developmenthttp://archive.sba.gov/aboutsba/sbaprograms/onlinewbc/index.html